Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bill Maher's 'Religulous' on YouTube

Bill Maher's fascinating documentary 'Religulous' can be seen on YouTube in its entirety, split into ten chunks of around ten minutes each.

This film is more Atheist polemic than impartial report and makes for scary, riveting viewing.

Maher's antagonistic interview style can get a bit annoying at times when you want to hear how the interviewee is going to respond, but it's hard to feel sympathy for some of these guys, the way they set themselves up for a punch(line) - Maher's a comedian doing his job after all.

I would have liked to have seen Maher take on some Wiccans, New Agers, modern cults (there is a brief, very funny swipe at Scientology) or perhaps even followers of Asian religions, but he clearly has an axe to grind with the monotheistic big three.

Watch 'Religulous' on YouTube

PS. Also found an interesting clip of Bill Maher talking to David Icke about reptilians. Being an 80s child, this always reminds me of "V"  :)

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